Our Work


Legal Clinics

Work in collaboration with immigration and criminal attorneys to offer free legal clinics for Black immigrants in Minnesota.


We work alongside our community with an understanding that policy is only a tool that reduces the harm of systemic racism. We advance policies that are informed by the Black immigrant experience. These include: federal immigration policies like DACA, DED and TPS; state and local policies like access to drivers’ licenses, medical insurance and working to decriminalize all people by supporting policies like post conviction relief, sanctuary cities and counties as well as the defunding and abolition of the police and ICE.

Mutual Aid

Share resources with the community which includes: groceries, medications, personal care products, rent, bill assistance, immigration fees, and emergency needs by community


Undocumented Black Immigrants

We support folks who are facing deportation and/or are in detention, and when they return home from being detained. We connect them to resources including: criminal and immigration attorneys, access to bail funds, and cultural specific meals.

Story telling

As Black people we have a strong legacy of storytelling. We draw on this story to uplift the narratives of Black immigrants to create intentional visibility and to challenge policy that erases our experiences.

Resource sharing

We believe that we have everything that we need in our communities to take care of each other. We work with many partner organizations to provide our members with a list of services that are available to them in the community. Services such as, translations, medical, legal, housing, and much more.


Our Campaigns

*Bolded campaigns have been won



  1. Drivers License’s For All

  2. Municipal ID

  3. Working to stop the building of new ICE Facilities

  4. Sanctuary Accessibility

  5. Pro-immigrant union contract language

  6. Decriminalizing Communities Coalition (DCC)

  7. Deportation and Detention Support

  8. Post Conviction Relief (PCR)

  9. Know Your Rights Trainings


  1. Liberian DED Extension — Led to the passage of the Liberian Refugee Immigration Fairness Act (LRIFA)

  2. Haitian, Somali, & Sudanese TPS

  3. Pathway to Citizenship for all TPS and DACA holders

  4. Muslim/African Travel Ban